The following was used as the thought for the morning devotion prior to the “Teen Caving” event Feb.1, 2020

Having 20-20 Vision in 2020

Two weeks from yesterday we have a special day coming up. You are right. Valentine’s day. What is so special about Valentine’s day? What do we think of on that day? L o v e… Everyone needs a valentine. Boy have the card companies, candy companies, and florist among others capitalized on that day. In a Big way. Starting clear back in kindergarten or before, kids are needing spending money to buy cards and candy for their sweet hearts. Not that they even begin to understand that by then. Remember the bags of candy hearts with sayings on them such as “Be my Valentine” or just “Be Mine”. Truly a bag full of “Sweet” Hearts. (Toss out the bags of candy). As we got a little older a bigger budget was needed as it took a box of “Chocolates” to say something sweet. (Heart shaped boxes of chocolates.) Of course, the card companies are always there with their bigger and more inventive way to say “I love you”. Then from the florist, you have got to “say it with roses.” And from the jewelry store, you can’t possibly say it without Diamonds. And not to be left out, the perfume companies have got their own spin on how to say you love someone with the gift of that special fragrance. So… how do you say to someone, I love You?

There is a line from a song in an old musical “My Fair Lady” where Audrey Hepburn sings, “don’t say you love me, show me”. And all these various businesses are built around buying their product to “Show Your Love”.

Christ came to live and die for us to “show” us His love. He summed it up in seven words of how we can “show” our love in return. “If you Love me, keep my commandments”. Now, I know I jumped lines there. And our subject just changed from showing the “potential “love of your life” how much you love her, on Valentines Day, to Jesus coming to Earth to show us how much he cares about us. But keep up with me a few minuets and I think you will see the obvious similarities.

Life’s do’s and don’t checklist.

 It is my firm belief that our Creator / God does not like having to set a list of dos’ and don’ts, any more than you like to read them. God’s plan from the beginning was for man to have a character like His that loved, and showed that love in all action of life. Christ condensed it down for us into two rules. Love God, and love your neighbor.

As a direct result of sin, lack of trust in our Creator, selfishness and all the actions that result from it are the reason it was necessity for God to spell out a behavior set of rules for us to live by. Wickedness had gotten so bad in less than 2000 years that God had to destroyed the Earth with a flood, saving Noah and family to repopulate the Earth. Otherwise mankind was headed to destroyed itself from the face of the Earth with his own wicked ways. Selfishly living for his own gratification regardless of the cost to others. So, how do you “show” someone you love them and maybe the same will hold true to a relationship with our God.

How to have 20-20 foresight in our relationships.

We have all used, or at least heard others use the phrase, hindsight is 20-20. It is used after someone is recovering from an unpleasant experience or relationship and they say, I didn’t see that coming. Hindsight is 2020 because it is reflecting on an event that has already happened. We all wish we could have 2020 foresight and see where a particular circumstance was leading, before it blindsided us. God is the only one that truly knows what the future holds. People would love to know in advance what is going to happen to them. Going clear back to King Saul when he wouldn’t listen to the prophets of God, he turned to the witch of Endor to tell him his fate. There is an entire business built around palm reading, soothsayers, etc.

 I want to share some thoughts with you that if followed will definitely improve your peripheral vision, thereby preventing you from getting blindsided, and could lead to near 2020 vision foresight in relationships. Making someone a priority in your life has predictable results.

What your Priorities say about you.

There are many events in life that cause us to pause and re-evaluate our priorities, but probably none greater than the death of spouse with whom you have spent your life. It is unfortunate that we cannot, or at least do not have that session on establishing our values and our priorities at a much earlier time in life to be able to take advantage of the findings. To some degree that is what is done at a pre- marriage counseling session. Physical attraction and good sex are not something that will keep two people together. It may result in children that both parents love, and that may keep them together until the kids are grown and gone but then what.

Common interest and the value placed on those interest is a start in the right direction. If you both love horses and plan to spend a significant amount of your time and money on the care and maintenance of farm, fences, barns and the horses themselves then neither of you will begrudge the other spending a big part of their time and income on the mutual love, horses. But if one of you had just as soon or rather get on a motorcycle seat instead of on horseback, and spend your day crushing the byways rather than fence rows, then there is sooner or later going to be a problem of the time, money, and energy spent on your priority. And you can replace “horses” with sports, boats, cars, anything of value that will take of your time and money.

 That does not mean that you both need to have all the same interest, but if it is a high priority to one and of no interest to the other then it will pull you in opposite directions at some point. And the more costly it is in either time or money, the sooner and greater the affects. In a good relationship, time spent together normally results in both parties learning to enjoy activities the other likes. Back to the horses. If one of you does not like horses, (or whatever the object) and the other spends most free time and money on the object or sport, sooner or later the neglected party will say, you love that “horse / or whatever” more than you do me.  You may argue the point with them but the fact of the matter is, you are spending more time and money on it, than on them. Priorities. Others already know by watching and listening to you, what has your priority.  Admitting what has your priorities, and rearranging priorities, has a positive affect and will say without words, I care about our relationship.

What treasure is in your heart?

 I’m not a marriage counselor, (though I was married for almost 50 years before Bea died), and this is not meant to be a counseling session, but I did want to establish a line of thought for what I am going to say, and this is not new or rocket science. Luke 12:34 says “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”   Or as a modern translation puts it, “where you put your money, that’s where your heart already is”. You could also say “it shows your priority without saying a word”. We can try to deny it but the “action has spoken”. Where we place things and people in our priorities tells them and God the value, we place on them. And don’t think for a moment that the Diamond stores don’t capitalize on this with, you know she’s worth it. Fact of the matter is, money spent on anything is = to hours spent earning it. Maybe she had just as soon or perhaps rather have you spend the “time” with her. I know God had.

God / our Creator has given us six days in which to do everything that we have come to consider as the necessities of life but has asked us to take the Seventh day and set it aside to spend with Him. I’m suggesting that what we do with it shows Him and others where we place Him in our priority table.

We structure our days, our weeks, and yes, even our lives around our values, our priorities. Some of us more so than others but we all do to some degree, often without even giving it much thought.

If we want to accomplish certain things in a set time, we bump these things up on our priority list of to-dos. If we did not, then other things would consume our time and we would not accomplish our objectives, our goals. Sometimes we give a task a priority for the day, or a few days until the task is completed. Other times we re-prioritize things and make it permanent. Sometimes referred to as a lifestyle change. If a person wants to be a superior athlete, he gives that a top priority and devotes the necessary time and energy into training, which in turn tells his / her coach, this person wants to win. The flip side of that is, if the person does not devote the necessary time into training, it tells the coach, this person is not serious about winning, why should I spend my time and effort on him / her. If a person is serious about losing weight, (and yes, I know there can be medical reasons, but for the most part) they have got to want it badly enough to make it a priority. Same holds true in business or any vocation in life, if it is to be a success. And relationships, if it is going anywhere, we must prioritize and spend time working on that relationship. Time spent showing, not just telling the other person that they matter to us.

According to Genesis we were created in Gods image and after His likeness. Do you not think for a minute that what we do with our time tells Him where we place Him in our priority list? He who gave us the abilities to accomplish and acquire, does not watch us and say, “I see where I fit in”? And yes, I think the Sabbath plays into that. Do we fill it with everything but Him? Or can’t wait until it is over so we can get on with our pleasures. What do we take pleasure in that is so important that we need to rush Him off? I’m deliberately not filling this with quotes as to how to spend your time with your Creator/Savior. That is between you and Him. He is the one that said, if you are not willing to forsake all for Him, you are not worthy of Him. What I am trying to point out is that you can say, “you love Him above all else but don’t expect Him to believe it when He is at the bottom of your priority list for whatever time is left over.

Priorities are essential part of life. Some we have no control over. Breathing takes priority over most things when it comes to medical needs, but if the heart stops, that takes immediate priority, as the body can last a few minutes without air but only seconds without blood flow.

Our job takes priority over personal things we want to do during the time we allocated to work. That is the reason it’s an advantage to find an occupation that you enjoy.

Family time spent together with God.

Family time generally takes priority during our “free time” as it should.

Even many phones have the ability to set priorities levels to different numbers, some going directly to voicemail while others ring to be answered. As in during a business conference meeting you do not want to be disturbed but if an emergence arises, you want to be able to be reached.

 If you are in conversation with someone and your phone rings, you have a decision to make, you look at your phone to see the incoming caller id, then decide, do I take this call, or, let them leave a message returning the call later, thereby saying to the one you are with, you have my priority. Many offices have signs that read “turn off your cell phone” including banks, Post Offices and Driver license offices. In other words, “if our time is not your priority, then wait until it is before taking it up”.

Priorities.  They make a Huge statement about us. They declare, like it or not, where we have placed our values. It doesn’t take a person with a Doctors’ degree to spend a little time with someone, watch and listen to them, and determine their priorities, where they place their values.

Now, I am going to give a few texts to show what I think scripture says should be our order of priorities.

  1. God: He made us. He purchased us back. We rightfully belong to Him… 1 Cor. 6:19,20 And Matt.10:37 which places Him above parents and family.
  2. Spouse: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother…. Gen. 2:24, Eph. 5:31 For a married person it appears that Spouse would be next.
  3. Parents: Honor thy father and thy mother. First commandment with a promise, …that thy days may be long…  Ex. 20:12

4. Family: He who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. 1 Tim. 5:8

5. Work: Ecc. 3:13, 5:18

Though you will spend more time working than all the others. It should not be your all consuming priority. I can begin to understand why we are told “the love of money” is the root of all evil. If you spend all your time and energy in accumulating wealth, then it not only becomes your god and controlling what you do, it leaves no time for the things that “make a difference”.

You get the picture. We can say it’s not so, but how do our actions line up. Who has top priority on the day He has asked for, clear back when He created us? Do we spend it joyfully with Him? Or fill it with everything else? Do we spend our time debating what is appropriate and approved to do? Or look forward to the time we can spend getting to know Him and His will for our lives, and being His hands, doing His work on earth.

Being His hands, doing “His work on earth”. I added that last line because I believe it is possible to make our occupations things that are considered His work on earth; pastors preaching, Dr. and nurses and others in the health care business healing, firemen putting out house fires, policemen tending to the safety of us all, but to a weary traveler a hotel clerk is important, to a hungry traveler a restaurant worker is important, so where do we draw the line as to what is considered “work” as it relates to the Sabbath commandment? I am a commercial driver; I drive for a living. I also drive a bus for Southern Adventist University and at times I may have a group out doing Sabbath activities.  The company I drive the truck for has trouble seeing the difference. Is there? Ex 20: 8-11 Thou shall not do any work, thou nor thy…, … nor the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made Heaven, Earth, and all that is in them and rested the seventh day, wherefor the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it aside, “to do what”? Rev. 14: 7 “To worship Him who made Heaven, Earth, Sea, and the fountains of water”, thereby identifying the “One to worship” as the Creator. 14:12 “Here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus”. So, is it possible to be so busy even doing “good and acceptable things” that we miss out on the blessing He has in mind for us on that day?

I realize I skipped from the giving of the commandments at Mt. Sinai to the three angles message being given in the last book of the Bible and its identity of the ones that will receive the “Seal of God” as those that keep the commandments of God. But if you take the bible from cover to cover you will find one continuous story, of a Creators love for His created. His dealings with them, and the devils continued efforts to discredit God and to wreak havoc with Gods creation. The Sabbath was made for man, but don’t pack it with so much stuff, even good stuff, that you do not get to spend quality time with your Creator / Redeemer.

Look at the “Parable of the Great Supper” as found in Luke 14: 16-24. “at supper time he sent out his servants to tell the ones invited to come in to eat, it was all ready. And they began to make excuses as to why they could not be there. One had bought a piece of property and needed to go check on it, another had bought a tractor, ( ok, 5 yoke of oxen) and needed to try them out, another had just married and needed to spend time with his wife”. There is nothing wrong with any of these things in and of themselves. It is just that they were given priority over the more important. This Parable has a sad ending in verse 23 and 24. And the Lord said unto the servants, go out unto the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say unto you, that not one of those that were bidden shall taste of my supper.

Just as actions tell our spouse or significant other, much more than our words ever will, so do our actions toward our Creator/God. Doesn’t mean they don’t like to hear it vocalized, it’s just that if our actions are screaming one thing, don’t expect a few choice words to make up the deficit. I can promise you it won’t with your significant other, and I doubt that it will with our Creator/Savior/God after all He gave up for us.

To know Him, is to Love Him. Do you know Him? Or do you know about Him?

I was recently having a conversation with a friend about various Adventist Universities that I had either visited or had friends that had attended. The subject came up over which ones were the more liberal or conservative, at least as I saw them. A few minutes into the conversation he asked me this question, knowing that in all likelihood a person meets their life mate during these years. Which do you think would be best to marry, a liberal Adventist, or a more conservative non-Adventist if those were the only two options? I will admit the question caught me off guard having not thought of either of those as alternatives. I will tell you my first response and then my reconsideration and why.

The fine print, my disclaimer.

My first response was a liberal Adventist. Because you both have had similar upbringing, and share similar values in life, which is important. Then after some time to reflect on that answer I had to reconsider and this is why.

Rev.3: 14-22 message to Laodicea.  John 10:14-16 …other sheep have I that are not of this fold… Based on these and other text I’ve always felt that in the end time of this world’s history. It will be easier for Christians that have a personal relationship with their Creator, but not necessarily full understanding of biblical truths, to accept new light that they are exposed to, than for a Laodicean (lukewarm) Christian who thinks they know it all and are in need of nothing. That having been said, I would hope that long before the I dos were said that a lot of soul searching was taking place. Sharing of one another’s dreams and priorities were being discussed. I know that is a lot of words to say, if you both place God as your #1 priority, and each other as #2 always, and always in that order then you will have a relationship that will last a lifetime. Doesn’t mean it will always be smooth, but with a firm trust in God and each other you will always be able to ride out the storms until it smooths out again.

So conservative Christian, should = someone that when shown truth, will welcome it. And is committed to a life time relationship.

Liberal Christian. Read the description of Laodicea again. Adventist or not, probably = someone that has all the answers, will listen to no one, trust no one and will most likely have multiple short-term relationship, instead of one lifetime commitment. Because to them if one doesn’t work out, there’s always another. Lacking real commitment.

All that to try and make that box of chocolates continue to say “I love You” for a lifetime.  “Life of time”.

And it probably will if you both continue to put God #1 and show it by giving Him His time in your life.

Who has your priority? Have you shown them lately?  

Sabbath evening Vespers in the cave.   “Let” your light shine. Candle lighting in the cave.

Negative vs. Positive Discussion

Cold = Absence of heat .
Air conditioning is accomplished by the removal of heat.
You do not create cold. It is what we call a condition when there is an absence heat.

Darkness = Absence of light.
Night happens when you remove the sun.
When you introduce light. Darkness ceases to exist.

Hate = Absence of love.
Hate and war happens when you remove love and caring from the equation.

Doubt = Absence of trust, faith in, belief in.
Doubt happens when you remove total trust. 

That one I had to think on for a bit, but it is true. Think about it. Satan through his negative comment was trying to get Eve to distrust her Creator, but it was not until she acted upon his suggestion that doubt showed up in her character. In her action distrust in her Creator showed up. Satan tried the same technique with Jesus in the wilderness, to get Jesus to doubt who he was. “If thou be the Son of God” … But it didn’t work. In today’s English, Jesus told him to “get lost” “get behind me Satan” showing total trust, total belief in who He was. If Eve had done the same at the tree, her action would have shown total trust in her Creator, in which case doubt would not exist.  Read “Tie a knot”.

In any and all of the above they cannot coexist. If you have one, “the positive” the other does not exist. For it is the absence of the positive that allows the negative to exist.

Time to turn out all lights in the cave. That is total darkness. After a few minuets light a candle. And there was light. Now multiply the light by each one lighting their candle from the one next to them.

Matt.5:16 Let your light so shine among men… Light will dispel darkness. They cannot coexist.