Turning a new page.

It has been a while since I have posted anything, maybe too long. But I try not to waste your time unless I have something to say. And then hopefully it’s not considered wasted. I thought I would give a little update for those of you who have known me for a long time. Those who know me, know better, but there are those that would insinuate that since I have not remarried, Bea & …

A Warning Shot. Spanish

oca UAU. ¿Alguien puede decir que lo vio venir? Y muchos dicen, ¿vieron lo que vendría? ¿¿Qué pasó?? Simplemente pasamos de los negocios como de costumbre, a todas las escuelas, iglesias, reuniones sociales, cualquier reunión de más de 10 personas (en muchos casos es decir, 2 familias)  no está permitida. Mal legal. Contra la ley. Ejecutable con La Guardia Nacional, o acción militar. Y no puedes ir a la tienda de comestibles a buscar papel …

Rocks and Stones Spanish

Reuní los siguientes pensamientos y sketches para el Día Mundial del Conquistador en uno de los clubes con los que tengo el privilegio de trabajar.  Sí, había un asunto que, hasta cierto punto, estaba causando división y estaba afectando al club de Conquistadores como cualquier cosa, que dividía a los miembros. Traté de usar el tiempo para comunicarme con los miembros y los padres. Con suerte, tratando de ayudarlos a ver cómo sus acciones afectan …

Si, “porque lo dije” no es suficiente.

Si, “porque lo dije” no es suficiente. ¿Cuántos de ustedes se han hecho la pregunta, ¿Por qué tengo que hacer eso, o por qué no puedo hacer eso? Si somos honestos, todos nos hemos preguntado por qué, por qué, en varios momentos la mayor parte de nuestra vida. Los niños más pequeños a veces nos llevan a la borraja de las preguntas. A veces en realidad están buscando respuestas a cosas que no entienden, otras …

Rocks and Stones

I put together the following thoughts and skits for World Pathfinder Day at one of the clubs I am privileged to work with.  Yes, there was a matter that was, to some extent causing division and it was affecting the Pathfinder club as anything will, that divide’s members. I attempted to use the time to reach out to the members, and parents. Hopefully, trying to help them see how their actions affect their kids.  And …

Welcome to R&R. Reflections & Ramblings.

Many thinking of R & R think of Rest & Relaxations. It can be enjoyable to just let your mind and body rest for a while, maybe include a good long nap. Others may say R&R = Ranting & Raving but there is already enough of that between the politicians and the news media. Each thinking that if they rant and rave enough it will show their sincerity, and convince you their being truthful. Besides, …

Shot across the bow. A warning.

WOW. Can anybody say they saw that coming? And many say, saw what coming? What happened? We just went from business as usual, to all schools, churches, social gather, any meetings of greater than 10 people (in many cases that is 2 families) being not permitted. Ill-legal. Against the law. Enforceable with National Guard, or military action. And you can’t go to the grocery store to get toilet paper because there is none to be …

If, “because I said so” isn’t enough.

 If, “because I said so” isn’t enough. How many of you have asked the question, Why do I have to do that, or Why can’t I do that? If we are honest, we all have asked why, why, why, at various times most of our life. Smaller children sometimes drive us batty with the borage of questions. Sometimes they are actually looking for answers to things they don’t understand, other times it seems it has …