I put together the following thoughts and skits for World Pathfinder Day at one of the clubs I am privileged to work with.  Yes, there was a matter that was, to some extent causing division and it was affecting the Pathfinder club as anything will, that divide’s members. I attempted to use the time to reach out to the members, and parents. Hopefully, trying to help them see how their actions affect their kids.  And their responsibility, if they allow those thoughts and actions to cost a child their salvation.   

This has been in a “notes” form ever sense so I decided to put it here for anyone. With full Scripture quotes.

The song for special music

“The Lord’s Prayer”

Pathfinders: Scripture reading: Mat: 18:6  Mark: 9:42 Luke: 17:2

 …”Whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believes in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

 Note the importance placed upon this thought. It was recorded word for word by three of the Gospels.

Now, I want to read about some other stones. Smaller but just as deadly. John 8: 3-11

And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

 I’ve heard sermons on this text and the thought was on Jesus’ writing in the dust, not on stone. That our sins will be erased just like the wind blowing the dust will forever erase the trace of them. Good sermon, and very true, but I’m not so sure this is what Jesus had in mind. I think dust was the material and His finger was the writing tool He had at hand.

We know the encounter was a setup, primarily to trap Jesus into saying something they could accuse Him of. His life had shown He was not an accuser, yet if He didn’t agree with the stoning, they could turn the people against Him by saying He didn’t uphold the laws of Moses. Instead of the dust, I want us to look at the stones. Yes, the stones which some were eager to pick up and use. In verse 59 of this same chapter, they are picking up stones to stone Jesus. Remember the stoning of Steven, a few short years later?

 They apparently liked stoning’s, and were all too eager to participate. Are we guilty of carrying around our own supply of stones? Just looking for a target? If we have a stone in our hand or in our pocket within easy reach. Maybe we should look down and see what Jesus has written beside our name. Every one of us would have something written there. But it is only those accusing, those with the stones that Jesus is writing there in the dust.

Two skits to follow.

Skit 1

Scene 1. The Lord’s prayer.

Have it played by:          “Voice of God”.           Voice off stage.

                                          “Girl praying”             Kneeling by chair.

 girl praying:     Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed be thy name.

Voice of God:   Yes. How can I help you?

girl praying:      Stop interrupting me. I’m praying.

 Voice of God:  But you called me.

girl praying:       I didn’t call you.

Voice of God:    Yes, you said, Our Father which art in heaven. How can I help you?

Girl praying:      Please, stop interrupting while I’m praying. Our Father which art in heaven,

Voice of God:   There you did it again.

girl praying:      Did what?

Voice of God:   You not only called me, but you sent the call to My address, “which art in heaven” so I know it was not your earthly father you were addressing. How can I help you?

girl praying:      Well, I didn’t really mean anything by it. I was just having my morning prayer. You know, to kind of get the day started off right.

Voice of God:   Well at least you are honest with me.

girl praying:      Hollowed be Thy name.

Voice of God:   Do you know what that means?

girl praying:      To be honest again, I hadn’t given it much thought. What does it mean anyway?

Voice of God:   Holy, to show honor, to respect the name, shows respect and honor to which the name belongs.

girl praying:      Oh. Ok. That makes sense. Thy kingdom come, Thy, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Voice of God:   Do you really mean that?

girl praying:      Yea, I guess so. I think it would be kind of nice if You had Your will to be done on earth. It would have to be a lot better than it is now. Heaven is peaceful, and this place is anything but peaceful around here, and getting worse by the day.

Voice of God:   What are you doing about it? Do I have My will in your life?

girl praying:      What do you mean, what am I doing about it? I take this time to talk to you each morning. Well, at least most mornings, ok, alright, some mornings.

Voice of God:   Well, if My will is to be done, it will have to start with those that are praying for it, like you.

girl praying:      Wow. This is getting kind of personal; don’t You think?

Voice of God:   Praying is personal?

girl praying:      Give us this day our daily bread.

Voice of God:   You could cut out a little of that bread, for your own health, you know.

girl praying:     Hey: What is this pick on ———- day. Here I am doing my duty and spending a few moments repeating the Lord’s prayer and You keep pointing out things in my life. Lord, this is taking way to long.


Voice of God:   You said you were in a hurry, continue.


Voice of God:   Well?

girl praying:      I’m afraid to.

Voice of God:    Afraid? Afraid of what?

girl praying:       Afraid of what you will say.

Voice of God:    Try me and see. You’ll never know until you do.

girl praying:       Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us.

Voice of God:    What about Bill?

girl praying:       See! I told You so. I knew you would bring him up. I can’t forgive Bill. After all those terrible things he said about me, and most of them were not even true. Just out and out lies. He cost me some of my best friends. Boy, do I have plains for him. When I get finished, he will wish he had never known me, much less crossed me.

Voice of God:   Then, why should I forgive you? You have denied knowing me to your friends, you have…. Well, I could create quite a list of things that you have done that have hurt me, and others of My friends. Revenge is never sweet. It will not make you feel better in the long run. And it will only make him want to do something more to hurt you even worse the next time.

girl praying:     Oh. You are right Lord. You always are. And more that I want revenge on Bill, I want to be at peace with you. After all, it has got to be pretty hard on Bill, carrying around that load of guilt from all those lies he told. And trying to remember which ones he told so as to keep his story straight. I forgive Bill and will drop it as to seeking revenge.

Voice of God:    Thank you. Now I can forgive you. Don’t you feel better?

girl praying:      Yes. Yes, I do. I’ve had that bottled up way to long. Thank you for helping me to see that. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

Voice of God:   Ok. I will do that, but quite placing yourself right in front of the door of temptation.

girl praying:      What do you mean?

Voice of God:   Do you remember that rock concert you went to? The one you were ashamed to let anyone know you were going? There were a lot of things going on there that were tempting to you, other than just the repulsive music, or should I say noise.

girl praying:     Yes, I remember it. And I remember a promise I made you when I came out just as Mrs. Brown drove by and looked my way.

Voice of God:   Really. What was that?

girl praying:      I promised you, that if You kept her from telling my parents, that I would be in church every Sabbath.

Voice of God:   Yes. I remember that one too. She didn’t tell your parents, but I haven’t been seeing much of you lately.

girl praying:      I’m sorry Lord. I really am. I can see I’ve got a lot of work to do.

Voice of God:  Well, that is a huge second step in the right direction, in just admitting that you have a problem and being willing to do something about it. The first step was in being willing to open up communication with me. Being willing to listen and accept some advice from Me. But you were in a hurry, so continue.

girl praying:     Oh, yes. I forgot I was in a hurry a few minutes ago. But that was before we started having a conversation. Where was I? Yes. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever,

Voice of God:   Do you know what would bring Me the most glory?

girl praying:     No. But I think I would like to know.

Voice of God:  It is for people like you that are called by my name, Christians, to live so that others will see that knowing Christ does make a person different. A very good difference. A difference that others will want to find out about. That will bring glory to My name. Thank you for spending a few minutes with Me this morning.

girl praying:  No. I’m so indebted to You for showing me that prayer was intended to be communications. Help me never again be in such a rush.

Voice of God:  That, my child, “not being in a rush”, thing. That is something only you can do. I give you time, it is a gift, but only you can prioritize and decide how you spend it. Only you decide how much if any, you give back to me. Make Me a priority in your life, and I will always have time and be there for you.

girl praying:   Thank you. and Amen

Skit 2

Hold / Freeze that scene.  Have “girl praying” stay on her knees but look up. and watch as Scene two is described.

1 Corinthians 2:9 Says, Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither has even entered into the imagination of man the things that God has gone to prepare for those that love Him.

 I want you to listen in as another conversation is taking place in heaven.

We have two beings walking the streets of gold between mansions, beautiful beyond compare. One of them we recognize immediately as Jesus, and the other we pick up from the conversation is Gabriel.

Gabriel:    “Master” all that has come from Your hand is very good, and these homes are no exception. They are beautiful beyond compare, only You could make them.

Jesus: They would be, if they were not empty.

There is silence as they walk on. After a few moments,

 Gabriel:   When do You plan to bring them home?

With a look of sadness

Jesus responds:   not yet, not yet.

Gabriel:  didn’t you plan to go for them years before this? You know there is a housing shortage down there, many have no homes. There is a continual clamor to find them, or at least one they like. And those that have them seem to be satisfied with the old earth dwellings. They seem to feel no need of heaven. “But Master,” the loveliest homes down there are but shacks compared to those that You have built.

Jesus’ sadness seems to deepen

Jesus:  “Yes.” I did plain to go, long before this. Gabriel, do you see those people scattered all around the earth, the ones who are kneeling? (Pointing to the pathfinder still on her knees.) They are my people, Gabriel. They are faithful to Me. They keep My commandments. They love My words. They tell others I’m coming back. And they pray, “even so come Lord Jesus” (Jesus hesitates, and then continues,) “Gabriel, sometimes when My people feel that I’m about to come for them, I detect a worried look on their faces, almost as if they don’t really want me to come, not yet anyway. They still have things they want to do.

Gabriel pauses a moment, as he looks at the nail prints in Jesus’s hands. Then clasping both wounded hands in his own, he continues,

Gabriel:   you gave so much for them.”

He does not say more, for even an angel cannot find words adequate to express such Infinite Love. The tears that a moment ago were stealing down the Master’s cheeks now flow unchecked. His disappointment is so great that its intensity cannot be described. At last, motioning toward the empty mansions about Him, He finds words.

Jesus:     “Gabriel,” don’t they want to come home?

girl praying:  Oh, Father God, please forgive me. I did not realize that it was I that was keeping Jesus from coming. Please, help me to “truly want you to return”, not just say it. But to make it the top priority in my life. Use me, I do want Jesus to come and take me home. Come quickly.

Voice of God:    Now that, is a prayer which I will love to answer.

Friends, family, parents, there is nothing imaginary about the disappointment that tears at the Saviors heart. It is more real and intense than we can begin to portray here. Empty palaces are waiting for you and me, and why—why do earth’s flimsy structures hold our affections while those in heaven set empty? Friends, don’t we want to go home? Do our lives and action show it? Or, do our lives and actions tell a different story than our words?

Story of Redemption: Page 430 par.2, 431par.1.

“The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.” Ps. 37:29  “A fear of making the saints’ inheritance seem too material has led many to spiritualize away the very truths which lead us to look upon the new earth as our home. Christ assured His disciples that He went to prepare mansions for them. Those who accept the teachings of God’s Word will not be wholly ignorant concerning the heavenly abode. … the apostle Paul declares, “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”1 Cor. 2:9  Human language is inadequate to describe the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the glory of the Paradise of God.  There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside them waving trees cast their shadows upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful plains, beside those living streams, God’s people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home.”

Our closing thoughts should be Lord, “come and take me out of this place” instead of “fix the problem so I can be more comfortable here”. Might I suggest going home this afternoon and instead of taking a nap, read Matt: 24 and RevelaLon:7 & 8. We are told that this world is going to become a very uncomfortable place before our Lord and Savior returns. Do we really want to become “comfortable again” if it means putting off His return to another generation? So, should we really be surprised? That things around us are falling apart? We haven’t seen anything yet.

The U.S. Marines have a slogan, “Get behind us, or get out of the way for you sure don’t want to be in front of us unless you are leading the charge.” For you will get trampled or shot. I would like to suggest the same is true with these Pathfinders and young people. Don’t stand in their way. I would suggest that you lead them, get behind them with your support, or please, get out of their way, for they are on the march. Many want to go home. And the more uncomfortable we get here the more we want to go home.

I love these young people and I think they know it. Jesus loves them infinitely more, and longs to be with them. Do you believe that?

Big difference is that we’re here to go hiking with them, to take them camping, to go play under the water falls with them, you get the picture. As much as Jesus would like to enjoy these things with them, He can’t at present. He has asked us to stand in for Him. To be there for “His kids” until He returns. Are you, by your actions telling these Pathfinders, you want Jesus to return? Are you sharing His love with them both by word and action?

We were told that the work of sharing Christ’s love that was not done in times of ease, would be done in times of difficulty. We just had no idea part of that would be, having to talk to them about it from “6 ft. away”.

That we would lose the ability to interact in the social way we were used to. That the action part of interaction would become almost impossible, if not illegal.

 We were created to thrive on, and grow from our interaction with others that share our same interest and belief’s. Boy, is Satan taking full advantage of the separation this virus is causing. I fear we have barely seen the beginning.

When I was told the subject for today was the idea of reconciliation, I looked up the definition. Among other things the definition states that to be reconciled is to live peacefully and in harmony. I think that this is not only our goal here on earth, but is essential to a character being developed for eternity.

I want to give you the opportunity to join with these Pathfinders, and by so doing say, “Lord I’ve put down my stones, I really do want You to erase those sins that are written by my name.

I know I should not be throwing rocks at people that I want as my next-door neighbor in your kingdom. And if I don’t want them as neighbor’s, I fear it is I who will not be present.

Help me to show your love to them now, and be there to love them as neighbors through eternity.

I not only need to be reconciled with You, but with each one with whom I plan to spend eternity. If we really mean it, let’s stand and pray, with meaning,” Lord, even so come quickly”.


 Closing song: This world is not my home.

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